Saturday, October 25, 2008

We've Always Done It This Way!

Wow! Things have been so busy lately. I can't post about all of it
because not only would you be ever so bored, but you would never
have time to read it I don't have time to type it.

Our church is growing in leaps and bounds...we are running out of
room. We have new families coming in and with new families
comes new ideas. I love trying new things....and one of the
statements I absolutely HATE to hear is,
"This is how we've always done it."

When those words are uttered it, sends
chills up my spine through to the part of my brain that makes my
skin crawl. It is almost as if the devil himself has said them trying to
put out any flame of excitement in the room.

Why bring this up you wonder....well, it's because we have some of
those people at our church. They are the type of people who
hate trying anything new. They think that if they are not in charge
of it, if it wasn't their idea or if it isn't done they way
they have always done it ~ that it is doomed to fail.

So what if we have never done it that way....The way you
'always done it' was done for the first time somewhere down the line.

I just wish that those people could see that it's okay to get out
of your comfort zone. It's suppose to be about what is good for
the church body as a whole...not just them.

I don't mean to seem aggravated...but I am. I think the Lord has
some really awesome things planned for our church and I sure would
hate to know we missed out because we were worried about doing
things the way we've always done them.

(Don't's not me coming up with the new ideas and getting
mad because they are rejecting's any ideas or new ways that they
are rejecting...from almost everyone)

Friday, October 10, 2008

What Do You Expect?

Well...posting on this blog is harder than I expected it to be. I guess because I am so use to not actually being myself...and now that I have the opportunity, I am speechless. Funny huh?

I guess I will start with something that has been on my heart lately. I have been struggling with the label that most church members give the pastor's can call it a stereotype if you want....or maybe even a double standard. What ever think suits it best.

I am talking about when church members expect more of the Pastor & his wife than they are willing to do or give themselves. I just don't get it. I know that the Pastor and his wife are to lead the congregation....especially by example. But does that give anyone else permission to expect more from me than they are willing do?
I have recenlty been told by a church member that the Pastor's Wife is to be more mindful of her speech and actions just simply because she is the Pastor's wife.

What? That's crazy! Aren't we all sinners saved by grace

What do you think about it?
Are you expecting more from your Pastor or his wife than you are willing to do?

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Hi....I am a Pastor's wife....of almost 16 years now.
Welcome to my blog. I hope that this blog becomes a window
through to my heart and will open the eyes to some about the
life of a ministry wife and the glass houses that they live in.
So, kick back-relax-have a tall glass of sweet tea and maybe through
this blog God will open our hearts and eyes to what He wants accomplished through it.

Be fore warned though ~ this is my blog, not my church.
I am not going to hide behind the fact that I am the Pastor's wife, put on a fake smile and tell everyone
what they want to hear....I am going to be honest and tell
you exactly what I am thinking and feeling.
If that offends you, it isn't meant to....but it is my blog. ;o}
Have a great day!